Saturday, June 26, 2004

Why does everything have to have a title? This isn't a business memo.

So now I'm a Blogger. Hmmm...Blogger. That's a weird word. It's a little too similar to Booger. So now I'm a Booger, how does that sound? Do Bloggers write blogs, or do they just blog? Is blog a noun or a verb? Maybe it just inhabits the same etymological limbo as most other four letter words, shifting from verb to adverb to adjective to noun, as in "I bloggly blogged the blogging blog." Well, whatever, I figure that if you've read this far you're either a) a friend or relative who is fed up with hearing from me every 2 to 3 months if they're lucky and actually want to know what I've been up to, or b) a friendly employee of the Department of Homeland Security ensuring that all blog postings are properly patriotic.
I have two good reasons for staring this blog. One is that I'm terrible at actually writing to people to let them know what I've been up to, and I figure that this is a good way to keep in touch with people. The second is that my mom sent me a link to a do-it-yourself blog site, and I got the hint.
So anyway, welcome to my blog. I'll update it regularly, or problably just sometimes, so check in whenever you like.


Blogger Tony said...

Sweet. Too bad my backasswards work doesn't let me visit blogs. I'd sure update mine more often.

I've got a book on Pikes Peak area trails for you to look at next time you come down from the mountains. Great trails descriptions in and around Tarryall.

9:38 AM

Blogger Kirsten said...

Hey there, I just read your comment to me (a little late sorry).. It sounds like you are having a great spring! I love rafting and I was able to get some awesome skiing done this year as well..twas a totally different season for me due to the fact that I Tele'd all season. Check out my blog
No worries on the photo, mine aren't that great either..I totally understand the ski head.

12:20 PM


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